The New Jedi: Who Are We?
We are born into this world already connected to the energies around us. As we grow, we have ideas put into us – who to be, how to think, what to believe, how to behave, what we are supposed to seek in life. We are told we need to impress someone, to make someone proud, to be better, to be somebody and living this way is the only way to get ahead.
But, while we feed the self, we forget about our connections to these energies because we are taught only how to satisfy the ego.
We, as New Jedi, are a collective. We are a community who strengthen each other by sharing knowledge. Through meditation and discipline, we shed old beliefs of a life thrust upon us by a system that has no other purpose than to cage us. Cages separate and separation closes connections.
Yet we abide to live within this system because this is the current state of our development. We do not force it to change because that isn’t who we are. We take a guiding role for those who have come to understand the change needs to happen. The Force brings together minds that are already seeking answers to unorthodox questions by its own will. The energies are similar and reach to connect, we are drawn to the community because it feels familiar. This is the change. This is how the cages are dismantled. When there is enough in the community, all with the desire to live better, more connections are formed. Pass on what you have learned, then discuss and learn collectively.
The approach to becoming a New Jedi in these archives may be different than what you learn elsewhere. Some wish to take a more literal view and adhere more to the fictional teachings. Others believe intense study of lightsaber techniques is what makes a Jedi. They aren’t wrong by any means, but we need to maintain a clear aspect of what is done in fiction and what is achievable in reality. They have a path of their own which has sparked the interest in gaining knowledge, which is a great thing. We do not shun anyone, if a community is to be built, we must focus on where we are all similar, not where we are all different. That builds connections, not walls.
You may ask yourself, what’s the point then? If we can’t learn mind control and wield lightsabers, who are we supposed to be? The point is simple, no civilization has ever been made better through aggression. If Jedi are to exist in our place and in our time, then we can be the change by bettering ourselves first. Your thoughts and actions towards circumstances can imbue similar thoughts and behaviours on others who are open to the change. We lead by example, so we must set a good example. Our goal is to believe in peace and do what we can to bring about peace. The simplest, most direct route is to abolish all notions of greed and ego serving mentalities.
Do we abandon all lightsaber training? No. There are health benefits involved – balance, focus, agility, stamina, to list a few. These are positive practices for better living. Though, as with the fictional Jedi, what we learn should be used to protect, never attack. You never know what is needed to protect but having a foundation in defense may save a life someday. This is the unfortunate system we live in, it’s not always safe but, as the saying goes, it’s better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war. Always keep in mind we are not to provoke or attack, negotiating a peaceful resolution is the priority but the ultimate goal is to never have need of negotiating evil intent in the first place. These are actions that insight change. As for other Jedi Force abilities, should we not have those as well? There is no harm in trying and there is much supported evidence that we can achieve extraordinary abilities. People have displayed amazing feats that show we may get there one day. We are yet completely unaware what the full potential of the human brain is capable of and seeking that knowledge will lead to the answers. Aggression will not take us there. Holding power over others will not take us there. The path will, it is a spiritual path not a religious one for we believe we are not superhuman, we are normal humans awakening pre-existing, natural abilities.
Everyone who embarks on a spiritual journey faces adversity from those who don’t share the idea and think it’s silly. Anything not understood or outside of traditional view is generally met with backlash. That is not for us to be concerned with. We are all on a path that makes us who we are. If our path is one that brings us to happiness, freedom from stress and anxiety and worry; if it just feels absolutely right to follow it, then that is where we should be. It is not for anyone else to judge as it is not our place to judge them. Believe in what you do and you can accomplish anything.
To be Jedi is to connect to the energy of the Force and strive to strengthen that connection through knowledge and self-discipline. We shouldn’t strive to control others through superior knowledge or skill, nor should we strive for greater power, regardless of the intention. Many think that more good can be done with more power to do it. I used to think this way but I discovered it’s a trap that is always sprung because you always want more power to do greater things. Stress and anxiety arise when you always seek more. It becomes a need. If you don’t achieve that desire, you feel frustration and you walk the darker path.
We need to be open to the path of light. It may take more work and dedication because the dark always seems easier. Fear is easier than courage, hate is easier than compassion. Our state of mind determines how well we walk it. Rethinking your opinion about yourself, your surroundings, and your emotions are necessary steps. If you are quick to judge how you look, how others look or behave, or how you are unhappy with the life you live; if you blame anything else on the development of your situation, know that this ideal leads to anger. You probably already know where that leads.
Though we are born and taught how to act, we can grow and choose who to become. Learning never ends and we will have better life experiences with a more curious outlook than a superior one. Most of all, learn to give where you can. Serving the ego may work for some but never for all. How do you know if you serve ego? Ask yourself this: if you had any one Jedi Force ability, what would it be and how would you use it? Your answer will let you know.
But, while we feed the self, we forget about our connections to these energies because we are taught only how to satisfy the ego.
We, as New Jedi, are a collective. We are a community who strengthen each other by sharing knowledge. Through meditation and discipline, we shed old beliefs of a life thrust upon us by a system that has no other purpose than to cage us. Cages separate and separation closes connections.
Yet we abide to live within this system because this is the current state of our development. We do not force it to change because that isn’t who we are. We take a guiding role for those who have come to understand the change needs to happen. The Force brings together minds that are already seeking answers to unorthodox questions by its own will. The energies are similar and reach to connect, we are drawn to the community because it feels familiar. This is the change. This is how the cages are dismantled. When there is enough in the community, all with the desire to live better, more connections are formed. Pass on what you have learned, then discuss and learn collectively.
The approach to becoming a New Jedi in these archives may be different than what you learn elsewhere. Some wish to take a more literal view and adhere more to the fictional teachings. Others believe intense study of lightsaber techniques is what makes a Jedi. They aren’t wrong by any means, but we need to maintain a clear aspect of what is done in fiction and what is achievable in reality. They have a path of their own which has sparked the interest in gaining knowledge, which is a great thing. We do not shun anyone, if a community is to be built, we must focus on where we are all similar, not where we are all different. That builds connections, not walls.
You may ask yourself, what’s the point then? If we can’t learn mind control and wield lightsabers, who are we supposed to be? The point is simple, no civilization has ever been made better through aggression. If Jedi are to exist in our place and in our time, then we can be the change by bettering ourselves first. Your thoughts and actions towards circumstances can imbue similar thoughts and behaviours on others who are open to the change. We lead by example, so we must set a good example. Our goal is to believe in peace and do what we can to bring about peace. The simplest, most direct route is to abolish all notions of greed and ego serving mentalities.
Do we abandon all lightsaber training? No. There are health benefits involved – balance, focus, agility, stamina, to list a few. These are positive practices for better living. Though, as with the fictional Jedi, what we learn should be used to protect, never attack. You never know what is needed to protect but having a foundation in defense may save a life someday. This is the unfortunate system we live in, it’s not always safe but, as the saying goes, it’s better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war. Always keep in mind we are not to provoke or attack, negotiating a peaceful resolution is the priority but the ultimate goal is to never have need of negotiating evil intent in the first place. These are actions that insight change. As for other Jedi Force abilities, should we not have those as well? There is no harm in trying and there is much supported evidence that we can achieve extraordinary abilities. People have displayed amazing feats that show we may get there one day. We are yet completely unaware what the full potential of the human brain is capable of and seeking that knowledge will lead to the answers. Aggression will not take us there. Holding power over others will not take us there. The path will, it is a spiritual path not a religious one for we believe we are not superhuman, we are normal humans awakening pre-existing, natural abilities.
Everyone who embarks on a spiritual journey faces adversity from those who don’t share the idea and think it’s silly. Anything not understood or outside of traditional view is generally met with backlash. That is not for us to be concerned with. We are all on a path that makes us who we are. If our path is one that brings us to happiness, freedom from stress and anxiety and worry; if it just feels absolutely right to follow it, then that is where we should be. It is not for anyone else to judge as it is not our place to judge them. Believe in what you do and you can accomplish anything.
To be Jedi is to connect to the energy of the Force and strive to strengthen that connection through knowledge and self-discipline. We shouldn’t strive to control others through superior knowledge or skill, nor should we strive for greater power, regardless of the intention. Many think that more good can be done with more power to do it. I used to think this way but I discovered it’s a trap that is always sprung because you always want more power to do greater things. Stress and anxiety arise when you always seek more. It becomes a need. If you don’t achieve that desire, you feel frustration and you walk the darker path.
We need to be open to the path of light. It may take more work and dedication because the dark always seems easier. Fear is easier than courage, hate is easier than compassion. Our state of mind determines how well we walk it. Rethinking your opinion about yourself, your surroundings, and your emotions are necessary steps. If you are quick to judge how you look, how others look or behave, or how you are unhappy with the life you live; if you blame anything else on the development of your situation, know that this ideal leads to anger. You probably already know where that leads.
Though we are born and taught how to act, we can grow and choose who to become. Learning never ends and we will have better life experiences with a more curious outlook than a superior one. Most of all, learn to give where you can. Serving the ego may work for some but never for all. How do you know if you serve ego? Ask yourself this: if you had any one Jedi Force ability, what would it be and how would you use it? Your answer will let you know.
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