The New Jedi – The Force Concept
We all want to know the answer to the question, “What is the meaning of life?” What if the answer was not so existential but to simply believe we exist to live out our lives in the pursuit of happiness and compassion from the greatest understanding of peace and love?
I probably just lost a lot of readers because that sounds really, really spiritual.
But given that the concept of the Force and the Jedi were not created from nothing, we learn that there were certain beliefs borrowed to make it all seem very, very real. So, what if - learning some concept of the Force was actually based on truth – such a life was possible if we all believed we were connected to a singular source of energy and knowledge?
It’s a belief that has been around for generations. The existence of a universal consciousness that permeates every cell of every thing that works to maintain balance within the natural order of things? Well that sounds a bit familiar.
The concept of the Force wasn’t made up, it was derived from popular spiritual beliefs and, more recently, quantum science. The Force is a universal consciousness, a vibrational energy that really does connect all things. Religions call this consciousness God in different languages. But regardless of the word used, it’s just another descriptor for the same thing – an all-knowing intelligent energy that no one sees, has no matter, but holds a direct relationship with everything.
There is far too much evidence of the Force consciousness at work – seeds know how to grow into plants, embryos know how to grow into humans, and it is not a carnivore’s nature to just kill everything in its path, it knows to kill to satisfy hunger. This isn’t an act of cruelty either, it’s nature’s way of balancing populations of different species. These processes are not learned or taught or simply buried in genetic code, they happen because of an intelligent energy that self-corrects and self-balances.
Like other belief systems, we sense the energy, we feel the Force which leads us to believe it is there. It is an energy every sentient being can connect to, thus connect to everything else.
We have an adhesion to the concept that things must be tangible to be real. If we can’t observe a thing with our senses, then it must not exist. We have been taught this since early school years by those who could not grasp an understanding of things they could not measure or quantify.
But matter is not the ultimate reality and the unit of the universe isn’t a thing, it’s a relationship between energies. In this quantum energy perspective, we can sense connections between people and things across time and space. When we connect to that energy, imagine what we could be capable of.
So why not? Why can’t there be a Force consciousness? How far was the reach when this concept was created to fulfill a need in a story? Everything in every story is based on some level of reality so we can relate to it and make the story feel more realistic. The Force was not based on a religion but the concept of a spiritual belief that we are already familiar with. It was just given a different term to suit the story.
Not being connected to the Force is being lost in our existence. We wander about in our own worlds, serving ego and those whom we gave control over us with no other guide to teach us the way. We are programmed from birth into an ‘I win, you lose’ society which goes against the natural order. We are easily convinced of ideals such as ‘dog eat dog’, ‘every man for himself’, the only way to get ahead is to climb ladders, stepping over others. We can easily turn a blind eye to those in need because ‘it’s not my problem’. But when we experience the problem, all we want is help.
This is why the world is such a mess, we took our freedoms and choices and put them into the hands of Empires - conglomerates who claim they need to control us to make things better. People whose existence and day-to-day practices scream superiority of status, importance and intelligence. They tell us what to believe and how to think through systems, signs, advertising, and commercialism. The process has been a generations long process of convincing us that we are sheep and they are our shepherds.
This is not the way. Empires create only separation and unbalance in the Force, but life will change when we change our concept of self to a concept of us. When we change our thoughts and our habits, when we wake up to this universal knowledge, we wake up the Force sensitivity that exists in all things. We become powerful.
The process is about becoming more attuned with our world and with others, then we become more compassionate and at peace. Being at peace with all things is connecting to all things. This is the way.
Call it what you will, the Force is a term that - to me - makes so much more sense to describe this connection to an energy that can guide us to absolute peace and prosperity. This is the salvation for the world. It is embracing the connection. It is the reality of living with light, love, and liberty, with true free will, and without hate and separatism. The is the way to understanding the Force and becoming the New Jedi.
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