
The New Jedi: Who Are We?

We are born into this world already connected to the energies around us. As we grow, we have ideas put into us – who to be, how to think, what to believe, how to behave, what we are supposed to seek in life. We are told we need to impress someone, to make someone proud, to be better, to be somebody and living this way is the only way to get ahead. But, while we feed the self, we forget about our connections to these energies because we are taught only how to satisfy the ego. We, as New Jedi, are a collective. We are a community who strengthen each other by sharing knowledge. Through meditation and discipline, we shed old beliefs of a life thrust upon us by a system that has no other purpose than to cage us. Cages separate and separation closes connections. Yet we abide to live within this system because this is the current state of our development. We do not force it to change because that isn’t who we are. We take a guiding role for those who have come to understand the change needs t...

The New Jedi – The Force Concept

We all want to know the answer to the question, “What is the meaning of life?” What if the answer was not so existential but to simply believe we exist to live out our lives in the pursuit of happiness and compassion from the greatest understanding of peace and love? I probably just lost a lot of readers because that sounds really, really spiritual. Granted. But given that the concept of the Force and the Jedi were not created from nothing, we learn that there were certain beliefs borrowed to make it all seem very, very real. So, what if - learning some concept of the Force was actually based on truth – such a life was possible if we all believed we were connected to a singular source of energy and knowledge? It’s a belief that has been around for generations. The existence of a universal consciousness that permeates every cell of every thing that works to maintain balance within the natural order of things? Well that sounds a bit familiar. The concept of the Force wasn’t made up, it w...

The New Jedi, Beginning the Journey

It all seems so fascinating, this idea of Jedi. Having amazing abilities and a laser sword that can cut through anything; zooming around the galaxy from one adventure to another to uphold peace and democracy. Who wouldn’t want to be like that? To be a humble hero of the common people, to master powers gifted to only an elite handful of people. If you don’t know anything about the Jedi other than what you’ve seen in the movies, how would you know where to start trying to be a Jedi? The simple fact is - you feel it. Like me, you know deep down something isn’t right with how the world works. How everyone lives isn’t the best way everyone should be living. It should be easier, it should be healthier, it should be more joyful. If these thoughts ever cross your mind, you are ready to make a shift in your thought process. It’s a higher calling, it’s the universe (the Force, in our case) trying to connect to you and tell you that you are ready to accept it. If you’re reading this thinking it’s...