The New Jedi – The Force Concept

We all want to know the answer to the question, “What is the meaning of life?” What if the answer was not so existential but to simply believe we exist to live out our lives in the pursuit of happiness and compassion from the greatest understanding of peace and love? I probably just lost a lot of readers because that sounds really, really spiritual. Granted. But given that the concept of the Force and the Jedi were not created from nothing, we learn that there were certain beliefs borrowed to make it all seem very, very real. So, what if - learning some concept of the Force was actually based on truth – such a life was possible if we all believed we were connected to a singular source of energy and knowledge? It’s a belief that has been around for generations. The existence of a universal consciousness that permeates every cell of every thing that works to maintain balance within the natural order of things? Well that sounds a bit familiar. The concept of the Force wasn’t made up, it w...